
Beckoning Cat

An old Japanese tradition, the Maneki Neko has become a popular collector's item all over the globe. Not only is the Maneki Neko a loveable figurine for collection, its story is fascinating. There are many legends of its origin, and superstitions abound about the Beckoning Cat.

Today, 70% of lucky cats sold have both paws raised (to beckon both customers and money), 20% have the right paw raised (money) and 10% have the left paw raised (customers). The economic crisis is continuing in Japan. People and companies have adjusted their wishes, and the maneki neko, always a bellwether of the economy, has adapted to the times.

Another interesting bit of trivia is that in Japan, the Beckoning Cat shows its "palm" outward, to simulate the way the Japanese beckon. However, the "Dollar Cat," made for export, shows the back of the paw outward, to represent the beckoning gesture in European countries and America. Thus, commerce has a way of taking care of cultural differences, to please all collectors.

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AMUMU'S FAMILY by shiqi Song is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at http://amumufamily.blogspot.com.